High Quality Protein Supplements
Q: Are there protein supplements that you all like?
A: Yes! When choosing a protein powder, you want to look for a few things. The less ingredients in the ingredient list the better because after all you are looking to supplement protein. Don't get scammed into consuming nonsense ingredients. You also want to ensure that the supplement you choose is a high quality whey ISOLATE, not a concentrate or a blend as these are lower quality sources of protein. Another thing to look for is enzymes in the ingredient list such as lactase which is added to aid in the digestion of lactose. Opt for a protein that has next to no lactose in it so you can skip the enzymes. The last thing to look for is leucine content. Leucine is the key amino acid responsible for stimulating muscle protein synthesis. Without a sufficient amount of leucine, your protein powder isn't serving its purpose to trigger muscle growth & repair (also referred to as the leucine trigger and is further explained in this video). Learn more about the leucine content in your protein supplement here.
With all of that being said, here is a list of some high quality protein supplements we'd recommend:
- Gruppo Nutrition RAW Whey Isolate
- Transparent Labs Whey Protein Isolate
- Polar Joe Blanco Pure Protein
- Klean Athlete Klean Isolate
- Naked Whey
- BioSteel Whey Isolate
- Momentus Grass Fed Whey Protein Isolate
- Now Sports Whey Protein Isolate
Q: Are there differences in protein powders?
A: Yes! Not all protein powders are created equal. A whey isolate is considered the gold standard of protein. How the cow's milk is extracted, purified and processed determines the quality of the end product. Methods such as ultrafiltration and ion exchange lead to higher protein purity and lower lactose levels. Many protein powders on the market will blend a whey isolate with a lower quality whey concentrate to cut costs leaving consumers with a lower quality end product. As mentioned above, you want to look for a protein supplement that has a clean label (minimal ingredients), offers whey isolate (no blends), does not contain enzymes and has sufficient leucine content.