How much leucine is in your protein powder?

Leucine is thought to act as the biggest stimulus that activates Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS), which underpins the ‘leucine trigger’ hypothesis. This is the concept that a certain amount of leucine is required to start the MPS process. Current research states that the leucine value required to trigger MPS is 2.5g. 

Most proteins contain some leucine, but many contain only small amounts. We decided to examine some of the top protein powders on the market to review their leucine content. The results were shocking. 

As you can see, most of these reputable brands do not contain enough leucine in a serving to trigger MPS. Most of the time, individuals choose to consume protein powder in an effort to support their muscle health. Unfortunately, those that are consuming these popular protein powders are not reaping the benefits that they should. If NowSports, Optimum Nutrition, Levels, Ascent, Klean Athlete or BioSteel protein products are currently in your pantry, consider making the switch to Gruppo or Polar Joe in order to better support your muscle health. 

Interested in learning more about leucine? Check out this podcast where Dr. Rhonda Patrick and Dr. Stuart Phillips discuss the role of the leucine in muscle protein synthesis.

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